Chesapeake Bay

Our History

Our regional partnership guides the restoration and protection of the nation’s largest estuary.

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A forester tends to a row of young trees with storage facilities in the background.

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What Guides Us

The Chesapeake Watershed Agreement

5 themes guide the agreement:

  • Abundant Life
  • Clean Water
  • Conserved Lands
  • Engaged Communities
  • Climate Change

Our partnership is guided by the Chesapeake Bay Watershed Agreement, which includes goals and outcomes for restoring the Bay, its tributaries and the lands that surround them.

Learn more about the latest agreement

Learn More About the Chesapeake Bay

The Issues

Look into the complex problems facing the Chesapeake Bay.

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Lightning strikes, signaling a coming storm over a young corn field.

Food Web

Understand the delicate predator-prey relationships within the Bay’s food web.

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Bay Facts

The Bay is full of interesting facts and trivia related to its history, wildlife, geography and more.

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What is a Watershed?

Over 100,000 streams, creeks and rivers drain to the Bay, making up a 64,000 square mile watershed.

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Field Guide to the Chesapeake

Explore the Field Guide to learn about more than 300 species of birds, fish, insects, invertebrates, mammals, plants, reptiles and amphibians that live in the Chesapeake Bay region.

Visit the field guide‍

Purple Finch
Haemorhous purpureus

Critter of the month

Often mistaken for a house finch, the purple finch mostly winters in the Chesapeake Bay watershed and breeds up north.

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A purple finch perched on a branch of dried sorghum.