John Wolf
Date Created:
February 11, 2008

Generalized lithology (rock type) and physiography based on geologic formations were used to characterize hydrgeomorphic regions (HGMR) within the Chesapeake Bay watershed. These HGMRs were used in conjunction with existing data to assess the significance of ground-water discharge as a source of nitrate load to non-tidal streams in the Chesapeake Bay watershed (Bachman and others, 1998). This work is part of the U.S. Geological Survey's (USGS) Chesapeake Bay initiative to develop an understanding and provide scientific information for the restoration of the Chesapeake Bay and its watershed. Bachman J., B. Lindsey, J. Brakebill, and D. Powars. 1998. Ground-Water Discharge and Base-Flow Nitrate Loads of Nontidal Streams, and Their Relation to a Hydrogeomorphic Classification of the Chesapeake Bay Watershed, Middle Atlantic Coast.
