2023 Executive Council Meeting

The 2023 Chesapeake Executive Council meeting will take place on Thursday, October 19, 2023 at the National Arboretum in Washington, D.C.
- Janet McCabe, Deputy Administrator, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (Acting Chair)
- Wes Moore, Governor, State of Maryland
- Muriel Bowser, Mayor, District of Columbia
- Pennsylvania State Senator Scott Martin, Chair, Chesapeake Bay Commission
- Shawn Garvin, Secretary, Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control, State of Delaware
- Rich Negrin, Secretary, Department of Environmental Protection, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
- Travis Voyles, Secretary, Natural and Historic Resources, Commonwealth of Virginia
- Jim Tierney, Deputy Commissioner for Water Resources, Department of Environmental Conservation, State of New York
- Scott Mandirola, Deputy Cabinet Secretary, Department of Environmental Protection, State of West Virginia
News Release and Meeting Materials
Local Government Advisory Committee Letter to the Executive Council
Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee Letter to the Executive Council
Stakeholders Advisory Committee Letter to the Executive Council
Advisory Committee Backgrounder