Showing 1 - 5 of 5 publications

Chesapeake Bay Restoration Spending Crosscut - Report to Congress 2020

The Fiscal Year (FY) 2021 Budget recognized the importance of Chesapeake Bay restoration activities and included a request of nearly $352 million for high priority programs and projects in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed.

This crosscut presents information on Federal funding from FY 2018 enacted through the FY 2021 Budget for Chesapeake Bay restoration work in the following formats for those Federal agencies on the Federal Leadership Committee for the Chesapeake Bay:

  • Total Federal funding by agency;
  • Agency funding details

As directed in CBARA, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) also requested Chesapeake Bay restoration funding data from the Chesapeake Bay Watershed States—Maryland, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Delaware, West Virginia, New York, and the District of Columbia. OMB received tabular data from all of the states and this report includes the submitted state data. OMB greatly appreciates but cannot verify the completeness or accuracy of the state data. Further, because the state data includes funding received from Federal sources, there may be double-counting between the state and Federal tables.

It is important to note that in many instances the funding numbers shown are extrapolated from past funding provided to the region or estimated based on the portion of the program focused directly on Chesapeake Bay restoration activities. The funding ultimately provided to Chesapeake Bay watershed efforts may differ from these estimates.

A few other funding notes are necessary. All Federal and State dollars are reported in thousands, and rounding errors may occur. The data request for both Federal agencies and States excluded programs and projects that received less than $100,000 in funding, though all data received is included in the tables below. In addition, the current year (FY 2020) funding only reflects data through the second quarter of the fiscal year. Depending on the program, fiscal outlays may be weighted toward the third or fourth quarters. As a result, second quarter numbers reflect only a partial snapshot of program execution.

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Illustrative Private Equity Capital Model (EFAB Report)

The Environmental Financial Advisory Board has produced a report and accompanying model to describe the perspective of the private equity investor when investing in Chesapeake Bay restoration. Understanding how private investors structure investments, consider risk, and expect in rates of return will help state and local governments identify opportunities for engaging with private equity in meeting water quality goals.

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Chesapeake Bay Restoration Spending Crosscut

This report represents an accounting of federal and, to the extent available, state, funding for Chesapeake Bay restoration activities. This report is provided to Congress in response to Section 3 of the Chesapeake Bay Accountability and Recovery Act (CBARA) of 2014.

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