
Coontail is made up of slender, densely branched stems that can grow to 8 feet long. Branches have stiff, forked leaves with fine teeth along one edge. Leaves grow in whorls of 9 to 10 along each stem. Whorls become more crowded toward the tip of the stems.

Leaves keep their shape when taken out of the water. Because these plants do not have a true root system, they float freely in the water.


Migratory waterfowl feed on coontail.

Reproduction and Life Cycle

This grass usually reproduces asexually when stem fragments break off in autumn, overwinter on the bottom and develop into new plants in spring. It also occasionally reproduces sexually when the plants flower and produce tiny nut-like seeds.

Did You Know?

  • Coontail gets its name from its appearance, which is similar to a raccoon’s tail. It is also known as hornwort.
  • This underwater grass is usually found in areas with moderate to high nutrient levels. Coontial floats in dense masses just beneath the water’s surface and can also grow near the bottom in channels and other deep areas. It can sometimes found within large beds of other types of underwater grasses.
  • Coontail provides important shade, shelter and spawning areas for some fish. Migratory waterfowl feed on coontail.
  • It can be confused with Eurasian watermilfoil. You can distinguish coontail by its stiff leaves that keep their shape when taken out of the water.

Sources and Additional Information