Tagged Stories: "fishing"
Juvenile striped bass numbers low in both Maryland and Virginia
November 25, 2024Habitat pressure is impeding reproduction for the Bay’s signature fish
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My Clean Water Story: Keith Bollt
August 23, 2024How my love for all things fish keeps bringing me back to the Bay
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Do you know how safe your Maryland-caught seafood is to eat?
February 28, 2024Fish consumption advisories keep people healthy while enjoying their favorite seafood
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Could the blue catfish “cattie” be the Bay’s next best recipe?
February 22, 2024Blue catfish are the star of a new sustainable dish
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How the "nerdy" side of fly fishing hooked a Chesapeake conservationist
March 28, 2022Kate Fritz gets into fly fishing after years of environmental work
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Fly fishing ties together military veterans in the Chesapeake region
November 10, 2021Project Healing Water Fly Fishing was born in Washington, D.C.
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Nature lovers are welcomed to this researcher’s refuge
June 10, 2021Between D.C. and Baltimore, the Patuxent Research Refuge provides outdoor activities for all
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For fishing enthusiasts, warming waters is a hot issue
March 8, 2021A new report from the American Fly Fishing Trade Association addresses climate change
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Three ways to reduce pollution while improving lives
February 3, 2021Planting trees, restoring wetlands and repairing streams does a lot more than reduce pollution
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Non-native fish a welcome sight in Chesapeake waterways
September 3, 2019The walleye provides a tasty treat for anglers
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