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Fish Habitat Outcome

Fish Habitat Outcome: Continually improve effectiveness of fish habitat conservation and restoration efforts by identifying and characterizing critical spawning, nursery and forage areas within the Bay and tributaries for important fish and shellfish, and use existing and new tools to integrate information and conduct assessments to inform restoration and conservation efforts.

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Forage Fish Outcome Justification

Forage Fish Outcome: Continually improve the Partnership’s capacity to understand the role of forage fish populations in the Chesapeake Bay. By 2016, develop a strategy for assessing the forage fish base available as food for predatory species in the Chesapeake Bay.

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Oyster Outcome Justification

Oyster Outcome: Continually increase finfish and shellfish habitat and water quality benefits from restored oyster populations. Restore native oyster habitat and populations in 10 tributaries by 2025 and ensure their protection.

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Blue Crab Management Outcome Justification

Blue Crab Management Outcome: Manage for a stable and productive crab fishery including working with the industry, recreational crabbers and other stakeholders to improve commercial and recreational harvest accountability. By 2018, evaluate the establishment of a Bay-wide, allocation-based management framework with annual levels set by the jurisdictions for the purpose of accounting for and adjusting harvest by each jurisdiction.

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Blue Crab Abundance Outcome Justification

Blue Crab Abundance Outcome: Maintain a sustainable blue crab population based on the current 2012 target of 215 million adult females. Refine population targets through 2025 based on best available science.

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Chesapeake Bay Agreement - 1983

Overview of actions agreed upon by the signatories to assess and oversee the implementation of coordinated plans to improve and protect the water quality and living resources of the Chesapeake Bay estuarine system, as the newly formed Chesapeake Executive Council.

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Chesapeake Bay Agreement - 1987

Overview of goals and Priority Commitments for Living Resources; Water Quality; Population Growth and Development; Public Information; Education and Participation; Public Access; and Governance.

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