Showing 1 - 8 of 8 publications

2024-2025 Diversity Work Plan

The Diversity Work Plan builds on lessons learned in the Outcome Review Summary where we identify actions that the workgroup will take to manage/respond to factors and gaps as well as the anticipated impact of completing those actions. In addition to describing the actions that will be taken during 2024-2025 to make progress toward achieving our outcome, this document establishes an expected timeline, responsible parties, performance targets, plans for data collection and plans for the communication of results.

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CBP DEIJ Strategy Implementation Plan

This Chesapeake Bay Program Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Justice Strategy Implementation Plan (Implementation Plan) presents a roadmap for advancing the recommendations found in Restoration from the Inside Out: A Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Justice Strategy for the Chesapeake Bay Program (DEIJ Strategy). The Implementation Plan was developed by the CBP DEIJ Action Team with input from partnership entities and the public following the release of the Principals' Staff Committee Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Justice Action Statement.

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DEIJ Guidance for CBP Logic and Action Plans

Restoration from the Inside Out recommends that CPB work plans include considerations to distribute benefits equitably and reduce disproportionate adverse environmental impacts in communities of color, low income communities and other underrepresented groups (Action 3.3.b). In addition, work plans should include both process and outcome measures to track progress over time. This document provides guidance on how to incorportate DEIJ in CBP logic and action plans.

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Cultivating and Strengthening Partnerships with Underrepresented Stakeholders

The "Cultivating and Strengthening Partnerships with Underrepresented Stakeholders" project was funded by the Chesapeake Bay Trust (CBT) Goal Implementation Team (GIT) Funding Program. The project, proposed by the Chesapeake Bay Program Stewardship Goal Implementation Team (GIT 5) and their Diversity Workgroup, aimed to understand the needs, barriers, and priorities of organizations serving historically underrepresented and underserved communities. Chesapeake Conservancy was contracted to complete the project, which began in spring 2021 and ended in summer 2022. The project involved conversations with community leaders and Chesapeake Bay Program staff to identify barriers and opportunities for engagement. A Leadership Workshop was conducted to define meaningful community engagement, and a Community Forum in July 2022 brought together community members and Bay Program leadership to build trust and develop engagement strategies. Recommendations for next steps were compiled based on input from participants, and a community engagement guide was developed. The project's outcomes will help the Chesapeake Bay Program develop long-term and mutually beneficial relationships with organizations serving communities of color and other underrepresented communities.

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CBP DEIJ Strategy

This strategy was developed by an independent consultant (Skeo Solutions) for the Chesapeake Bay Program partnership. It contains recommendations that are grouped into four DEIJ framework focus areas. The consultant developed these recommendations based on interviews with CBP teams and leadership, a DEIJ readiness survey, two focus groups, a review of key partnership policy documents and input from the Diversity Workgroup. The recommendations provide a visionary framework to be used by the partnership as a guide to achieve the following:

  • Increase racial and ethnic diversity among partnership staff and leadership.
  • Help partners develop as DEIJ leaders who understand, respect and embrace cultural diversity.
  • Provide partners with the tools to continually assess progress towards diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice goals.

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Chesapeake Bay Program Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice Statement

The Chesapeake Bay Program partners believe the full diversity of people who live, work and recreate in the Chesapeake Bay watershed have a right to benefit from, and help guide, the future of an environmentally and economically sustainable Chesapeake Bay watershed with clean water and air, abundant fish and wildlife, conserved lands, access to the water and a vibrant cultural heritage. This statement, announced by the Chesapeake Executive Council on August 18, 2020, affirms the partnership's commitment to embrace diversity, equity, inclusion and justice in all areas of the Chesapeake Bay Program to achieve our mission.

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Principals' Staff Committee: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Justice Action Statement

The Chesapeake Bay Program Principals' Staff Committee (PSC) accepts the report and recommendations in the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Justice Strategy (DEIJ Strategy) developed by an independent consultant for the Chesapeake Bay Program Diversity Workgroup of the Stewardship Goal Implementation Team (GIT) and finalized in 2020.

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