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Showing 401 - 410 of 428 publications
Evaluating Nutrients and Sediment Losses for Agricultural lands: Vegetative Filter Strips
Published on March 31, 1987 in ReportPart of a bi-state research effort funded by the EPA Chesapeake Bay Program between Maryland and Virginia. This report covers the Virginia project, and evaluates soils and slopes characteristic of the ridge and valley province. The two projects assess the effectiveness of vegetated filter strips in removing pollutants from surface water under different environmental conditions.
View detailsThe advantages of Measures of Particulate Carbon, Nitrogen and Phosphorous by Direct Analysis.
Published on June 1, 1993 in ReportThis document is intended to address the inconsistency between parts of the CBP in the sampling and analytical methodology for the determination of particulate concentrations, and offer alternative sampling and analytical procedures to be implemented to eliminate these inconsistencies.
View detailsBiological Nitrogen and Phosphorus Removal in Oxidation Ditches and High Nitrate Recycle Systems
Published on August 1, 1990 in ReportAs part of the Chesapeake Bay Agreement to which the State of Maryland is a signatory, several plants in Maryland will be required to reduce the nitrogen and phosphorus levels in their affluent. To examine the feasibility of biological nutrient removal (biological nitrogen and phosphorus removal), the Bowie WWTP, an oxidation ditch system, was selected because there were few full scale studies on biological nitrogen and phosphorus removal in oxidation ditches under temperate weather conditions.
View detailsStatus Yields and Trends of Nutrients and Sediment and Methods of Analysis for the Nontidal Data-Col
Published on December 31, 1997 in ReportThis is a report on the status yields and trends of nutrients and sediment and methods of analysis for the nontidal data-collection programs in the Chesapeake Bay Basin
View detailsRestoring a Bay Resource: Forest & Riparian Buffer Demonstration Sites
Published on December 31, 1996 in ReportThe use of demonstration sites for riparian forest buffer establishment is one way to help accomplish the objectives of communication, education, and monitoring.The riparian forest buffers in this document are located in agricultural, rural and urban settings. An effort was made to locate restoration efforts in all three of these settings thereby showing the buffer's applicability in different land uses.
View detailsThe Role and Function of Forest Buffers For Nonpoint Source Management in the Chesapeake Bay Basin
Published on January 31, 1993 in ReportThis article discusses elements of the relationship between forests and water quality in the context of the forest buffer.
View detailsRiparian Forest Buffer Panel Report: Technical Support Document
Published on February 28, 1997 in ReportThis report contains background material that describes in more detail the technical basis for the recommendations and elaborates on the implementation options in the Final Report of the Riparian Forest Buffer Panel.
View detailsRiparian Forest Buffers: Linking Land and Water
Published on July 1, 2004 in ReportRiparian lands provide a wealth of ecological benefits. For example, trees along the shoreline help to filter pollutants and sediment from runoff and groundwater before they enter the waterways. Trees also provide important habitat benefits for aquatic creatures. Fallen leaves and branches offer food and shelter, while shade helps to regulate water temperature and keep oxygen in the water. When riparian forests help to protect the streams and rivers in the Bay watershed, these benefits are realized downstream in the Chesapeake Bay. With more than 200,000 miles of streambanks and shoreline in the Bay watershed, riparian forests are vital for the success of the Bay restoration effort.
View detailsChesapeake Bay Riparian Handbook: A Guide for Establishing and Maintaining Riparian Forest Buffers
Published on June 1, 1998 in ReportThe purpose of this handbook is to provide professional land managers and planners with the latest information on the functions, design, establishment and management of riparian forest buffers.
View detailsFinal Report of the Riparian Forest Buffer Panel
Published on October 1, 1996 in ReportThis report contains the principal findings and recommendations of a Chesapeake Executive Council-appointed panel on riparian forest buffers. Background material which describes in more detail the technical basis for the recommendations and elaborates on the implementation options is available as a Technical Support document.
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