Wastewater Treatment Workgroup
Upcoming Meetings
CANCELED: Wastewater Treatment Workgroup Meeting - February 2025
Thursday, February 27, 2025 from 10:00am - 12:00pmWastewater Treatment Workgroup Meeting - March 2025
Thursday, March 27, 2025 from 10:00am - 12:00pmScope and Purpose
The scope of the Wastewater Treatment Workgroup (WWTWG) is to facilitate implementing regulatory approaches to wastewater treatment in the Bay watershed. The group is mostly composed of state and federal National Pollution Discharge Elimination System managers from around the Bay watershed.
The purpose of the workgroup is to:
- Track and report wastewater data. Track and report on wastewater nutrient and sediment point source loads from both significant and non-significant facilities, and septic sewer systems.
- Identify and evaluate new wastewater treatment technologies. Discuss the implementation of new wastewater treatment technologies to remove nutrients and sediments. Activities include initiating panel reports on specific topics.
- Engage in peer-to-peer learning and provide a discussion forum. That is, sharing regulatory approaches to improve wastewater treatment to help improve water quality. Exchange information between the Bay partners, stakeholders, and the Chesapeake Bay Program on point source nutrient and sediment removal and the associated implementation costs.
- Leverage resources. Identify and harness opportunities with other workgroups on co-benefits associated with reducing wastewater and septic nutrient loads in the Bay watershed. Provide and receive information (e.g., data, models, methods, and approaches) from other workgroups and committees.
- Respond to Water Quality Goal Implementation Team. Initiate and coordinate activities on wastewater topics in response to WQGIT requests.
Projects and Resources
Wastewater Treatment Workgroup (WWTWG) Small Group Materials
The WWTWG has formed Small Groups to discuss the following issues:
A. Boat Pumpout BMP
C. Sanitary Sewer Exfiltration
Please find below reference materials for the Small Groups, preceded by a letter denoting which group they pertain to.
- A. Boat Pump Out BMP Expert Panel Report July 2018 [PDF, 4.3 MB]
- A. Boat Pump Out Response to comments Presentation, November 6, 2018 [PDF, 641.6 KB]
- A. Boat Pump Out Expert Panel Presentation, July 23, 2018 [PDF, 3.3 MB]
- A. Appendix I: Comments on interim Boat Pump-Out Practices [PDF, 589.3 KB]
- A. Appendix D: Technical Requirements for Inclusion of Boat Pump-Out Practices in the Modeling Tools [PDF, 800.1 KB]
- B. Alex Renew CSS Annual Report 2023 [PDF, 3.5 MB]
- B. Alex Renew CSS Appendix A 2023 [PDF, 206.8 KB]
- C. Sanitary Sewer Exfiltration Presentation J Delesantro May 5th 2024 [PPTX, 9.6 MB]
- C. Sanitary Sewer Exfiltration Presentation Feb 2024 [PDF, 4.5 MB]
- C. Grey Infrastructure Expert Panel Report October 27th 2014 [PDF, 1.7 MB]
Phase 7 Model Development
Currently in development, the Phase 7 Modeling Tools will be used by the partnership to inform decisions related to the nutrient and sediment reduction goals outlined in the 2014 Chesapeake Bay Watershed Agreement.
Evolving plans and related documents can be found on the Chesapeake Bay Program's Phase 7 Model Development webpage.
Phase 6 Model Review Resources
Repository for resources related to the WWTWG's review of the Phase 6 Watershed Model documentation.
General phase 6 model and midpoint assessment resources, webinar links, and a log of fatal flaw comments are available under WQGIT Projects and Resources: http://www.chesapeakebay.net/who/group/water_quality_goal_implementation_team
Link to wastewater calibration data: https://archive.chesapeakebay.net/?prefix=VT/Phase_6_Calibration_Data_Review/1-Wastewater/
Link to draft Phase 6 Model documentation: https://archive.chesapeakebay.net/?prefix=Modeling/Phase6/Draft_Phase_6/Documentation/
Please contact Michelle Williams, WWTWG staffer (williams.michelle@epa.gov) with any questions.
Advanced OWTS BMP Panel report
The Chesapeake Bay On-site Wastewater Nitrogen Removal BMP Expert Review Panel was reconvened to specifically evaluate two proposed BMPs:
- Drip irrigation (at a higher TN reduction credit than currently given under the “Shallow-Placed, Pressure-Dosed Dispersal” BMP) and
- Peat biofiltration systems discharging to a pad or trench
Upon review of available data, the Panel recommends creating a new, creditable BMP for Drip Irrigation, which has been shown to result in a 50 percent net TN reduction through Zone 1 in the drainfield. Qualifying characteristics for the new BMP, which are described in detail in the report, require the use of pressure compensating emitters, maximum not to exceed loading rates for three different soil types and exclusion of the credit for drip systems installed in Type I (sand textured) soils.
The Panel recommends that peat systems discharging to a pad or trench not be included by the CBP as a new BMP. In particular, existing data were from studies not designed to explicitly address nitrogen removal and the TN results were highly variable and thus inconclusive. The data do appear to support crediting peat filters a 20 percent net TN reduction as an ex situ BMP, consistent with similar technologies which fall under creditable BMPs: Intermittent Media Filters and NSF Standard 40 Systems.
The Panel further recommends that the CBP track efforts underway in EPA Regions 1 and 2 to develop nitrogen sensors specific to monitoring on-site wastewater systems and to consider using such sensors (or other appropriate methods) to verify the performance of BMPs that have been approved and are being implemented in the watershed. Recommendations for outstanding research questions are also provided (the reader is further referred to the 2014 predecessor report on OWTS Nitrogen Removal BMPs and the 2016 OWTS Nitrogen Attenuation report for additional recommendations for the CBP).
View detailsRecommendations of the On-Site Wastewater Treatment Systems Expert Panel
Approved by the Water Quality Goal Implementation Team, July 14, 2014
View detailsWater Quality Goal Implementation Team (GIT) Governance Protocols
The Water Quality Goal Implementation Team (GIT) Governance Protocols articulate the decision-making procedures and cross-sector communication processes observed by the GIT and its workgroups.
View detailsMembers
Jamie Heisig-Mitchell (Chair), Hampton Roads Sanitation District
Justin Carl (Chair), Alexandria Renew Enterprises (AlexRenew)
George Onyullo, District of Columbia Department of Energy & Environment (DOEE)
1200 First St. NE
5th Floor
Washington, District of Columbia 20002
Email: george.onyullo@dc.gov
John Rebar, Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control
Bel Martinez da Matta, Maryland Department of the Environment
Rashid Ahmed, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
Zachary Steckler, Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection
Erica Duncan, Virginia Department of Environmental Quality
Tricia Sizemore, West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection
403 Ripley Rd
Spencer, West Virginia 25276
Email: tricia.t.sizemore@wv.gov
Phone: (304) 926-0499 x43757
Marel King, Chesapeake Bay Commission
c/o Senate of Pennsylvania
G-05 North Office Building
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17120
Email: mking@chesbay.us
Phone: (717) 772-3651
Dana Hales, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency - Region 3
1650 Arch Street
Phiadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103
Email: hales.dana@epa.gov
Phone: (215) 814-2928